When going on www.artofthetitle.com i chose 2 title sequences.The two films i chose to analyse the tile sequences are The Avengers (2012) and Mission:Impossible-Ghost Protocol (2011).
The Avengers
1.Here is the credits in the tile sequences and the order they come in:
- Directed By
- Story By
- Screenplay By
- Produced By
- Executive producers
- Director of Photography
- Production Designer
- Editors
- Costume Designer
- Music By
- Music Supervisor
- Visual Effects Supervisor
- Visual Effects Producer
- Casting By
- Actor 1
- Actor 2
- Actor 3
- Actor 4
- Actor 5 etc.
- Production in title
- Distribution in tile sequence
2. The form used in the title sequence is big and bold with Upper case letters in a silver/grey colour which helps it stand out against the dark backgrounds
3. Throughout the whole title sequence see the credits being mostly in the centre of the screen but also being moving in different areas of the screen
4.In the title sequence,what we see behind the font are props and costumes used in the film but in a more animated hd type of way.When watching we can also here the song The Avengers by Alan Silvesti which is in all the avengers movie.As we see some of the props and costumes we are in a way getting introduced to all the avengers and there types of skill sets.
5.What i like about the Avengers title sequence is that instead of just showing us the characters and giving away a lot of hits about whats about to happen in the movie, the sequence makes us hunt down and pay close attention to the details and makes us appreciate the time and effect put into the costumes and props in a refreshing way.I chose the title sequence because the film itself is one of my favourites and because the order the credits come is different to what we usually see as the director comes first whereas we would usually see the director last which i think is unique and unconventional.
6.The film Avengers is one of many Marvels films which have become very popular in these past couple of years.Due to this the Title Sequence have gotten bigger and better but as this was the first it had a lot less action than we would usually see in todays marvel movie title sequences.
Mission:Impossible-Ghost Protocol
1.Here is the credits in the tile sequences and the order they come in:
- Production in title sequence
- Distribution in title sequence
- Actor 1
- Film title
- Actor 2
- Actor 3
- Actor 4
- Actor 5 etc.
- Casting
- Visual effects supervisor
- Producers
- Music By
- Composed By
- Costume designer
- Edited By
- Production designer
- Director of photography
- Exclusive producer
- Executive producers
- Produced By
- Created By
- Written By
- Directed By
2. The font used in the title sequence is Big and Bold using Upper case letters that are white which contrasts the surroundings
3.In the sequence we see the text staying in the centre of the frame and then disappearing
4.In the title sequence,what we see behind the font are many things involved in the movie like the characters themselves where we see the main character (Ethan Hunt) doing spy stuff ,the weaponry used and the setting/locations where the film was shot.When watching the sequence we can also here the song 'Light The Fuse' by Michael Giacchino .
5.The Reason why i chose Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol is because it is an action thriller and so the title sequence is fast pace and full of different things happening which gives us a clue about what is happening in the movie.The thing i most like about it is how the dramatic music moves us through the scenes and makes me (the audience) intrigued about what is to come .
6.As the film is one of many Mission impossibles the Title Sequences helps navigate the story and reflect back to the past movies which then helps us prepare for the next in an interesting and inviting way.
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