Monday, 10 October 2016

Rescearch task 11-Genre

Genre is a style or category of art,music,or film
my 3 favourite types of genre us Teen Drama , Scifi/Fantasy and Superhero

I love the genre scifi because it is just so mysterious and actually makes the consumer believe that such things could exist.the conventions for a scifi/fantasy movie would be things such as..
a few examples of this genre is Twilight,The Mortal Instruments,Divergent,Hunger Games

I also love the genre Teen drama because it is something that a lot of young people would relate to and so its very interesting to follow the story, some conventions of this genre is..
a few examples of this is Mean girls and Twilight

The final genre i like is superhero movies, this is because they always seem to be action packed and have a sub genre of scifi ,this also creates a sense of mystery and believe of the unknown which makes a really exciting and interesting film, some conventions which follow this genre is...
stock characters
super villains
romance(love interests)
a few examples of this genre is Spider man,Iron Man,Superman and Deadpool

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