Sunday, 9 October 2016

Research task 7-Analyse 2 film title sequences and film opening

One film i looked at was Juno, the opening to the film starts with the idents of Fox productions in large bold writing .it than goes into a teenager walking into an animated setting. the only character who is properly introduced was the girl walking through the actual animated scene so i could understand that ,that was Juno. while she is walking the background shows shops and small parks which show that she could be very comfortable with her surroundings.she looks very carefree and subtle however is also walking with purpose to a pharmacy which foreshadows the events of the movie which is a teenage pregnancy. the sketched/animated graphics credits are put in place to compliment the background and they wear used right from the beginning. the music is also subtle and the lyrics actually resemble a love song so this idea of young love could go towards the genre of teen drama , the fact that the illustration are actually childlike says this as well

 The second film opening sequence i watched was for hostage , this movie starts with large production in a graphic form of a city map from a Birdseye view, this creates the illusion of a brick wall setting the mood of a thriller straight away. snipers are shown as well and you can hear police sirens indicating criminal activity. the only non animated person we are introduced to is at the end of the title sequence where we see a man screaming into a telephone , the fact that it is such a large phone suggests that this film is set in the early 2000s. from the opening you can understand that it is a hostage because of the end scene with the police surrounding a house. Again the title credits compliment the background animations as the names are put on buildings and walls in this urban setting.'BRUCE WILLS' is the biggest name suggesting that hes the main character.

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