Sunday, 25 December 2016

Prelim evaluation

 I think that the best part out of the whole experience in creating the prelim was the planning part. I think this because as a group we were able to share our creativity and come up with a creative and interesting storyboard. The storyboard was created with the idea in our heads that we had to draw from the view of the camera, making sure that we included the shot and angle types. Once we had finished planning, our next step was to start filming. This was simple because we as agroup had planned every step, therefor we knew exactly what to do. Planning each shot made the filming very easy and stress free.

However dispite all the planning, we did end up having a very big problem, which we realised after filming, once we went off to edit. The issue was that we forgot to check that the microphone was plugged into the camera- which it wasnt. Thats why when we realised that there was no sound in our prelim, we had to use a Yeti microphone to replace and record the sound that should have been there. Even though this problem did stree our group, in the end im glad that this problem happened because i got to learn how to use the Yeti microphone, which was fun and interesting.

We chose to film in the canteen because there was alot of lighting, so we used it to our advantage, as well as the fact that there was alot of people to film amongst, which made our prelim look more realistic. However, some of the scenes had to be cut short because the people in the canteen got in the way of some of our shots, which was our only disadvantage of filming in the canteen.

Overall, i really enjoyed producing the prelim because i was able to use my creativity, work in a group (team work skills) and also learn new things through our groups problems.

Task 18: Genre Shortlist-research.

The three types of genres i think we could use for our title sequence is fantasy, horror or action. I think that fantasy would be very interesting to fiilm, however i also think that it maybe hard to film because fantasy involves alot of CGI or special effects which may not be something as a group that we have. However an action genre'd title sequence or a thriller would be much easier to film, as no CGI or special effects would be needed in order to create an interesting and captivating narrative, in order for the audience to follow and stay interested in.

Task 17: Use of sound in film opening-research.

Sound is used in film to emphasise a certain mood and to also add additional information to any film.

The opening sequence in the film Red Riding Hood (2011 fantasy), starts off with a very mysterious soundtrack as an aerial shot of the mountains pans on the screen. This already leaves the audience in suspence to wonder why the mysteriousness right at the start of the title sequence. As soon as the institutions names show up on the screen, the tone of the soundtrack changes into a slightly less mysterious tone. Wind is also introduced to the soundtrack to allow the audience to feel as if they are there in the film. However, the tempo of the soundtrack is still fairly slow, allowing the mysterious feeling to continue. As the village is starting to be introduced to the audience through the forest, the sound of forest animals such as birds are also heard by the audience. Rushing water from the falls is also shown and heard by the audience to create an earthy and natural atmosphere. More then half way through the title sequence and the tempo and medieval instruments are still the same and have been kept throughout the whole of the opening. Once the audience has been introduced into the village, already we can hear footsteps of a child as well as a squeeling pig, connoting a typical village.

Task 15: Genre conventions-research

Genre conventions are elements in which the audience expect to see and/or hear. For example a romance film would contain conventions such as a happily in love couple, with some sort of obsticale to over come, which maybe a jealous sister or another lover involved. Or in magazines a such as Mens Health, it is their convention as a health and fitness magazine to put on the front cover a well-known good looking, healthy and fit man.

I have chosen to look at the film opening for the 2011 Red Riding Hood because the genre is fantasy which i enjoy to watch because it allows the audience to experience a world which is not realistic, and allows the audience to escape their own reality (-Blumner & Katz theory). In this particular film there are obvious fantasy genre conventions, such as the iscolated village, hidden amongst mountains, forests and snow.

Task 13:Target audience-research

A target audience is a particular group that a product or service is aimed at. For example baby clothes would be target to expecting parents, or sports cars would be aimed at older men for example because that is who sports car companies would assume, would consume this product.

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Task 10- 4 different types of film credits- research.

The four different types of title sequences are...

Personaly I like the narrative opening title sequence because the audience can use their imagination to figure out the character in their minds.

Task9- title sequence analysis of favourite film -research

The film i will be analysing is called Divergent directed by Neil Burger. The start of this title sequence opens with the production company logos, just like most conventional films. This film consists of three different production companies, all in which are very well-known. Just like a conventional film, the director's name is the first persons name to be introduced after the production company credits. The name of the film is zoomed in closer to audience building tension and focus to the name of the film.

Task 7: analyse two film title sequences-research

The two title sequences i will be analysing is Skyfall and Snitch.


Snitch: Snitch's title sequence begins with the classic institutions being Summit Entertainment and A Lionsgate Company. when the audience see these recognisable institutions they can guess what type of film they are about to what. For example A Lionsgate Company are known for producing films such as The Hunger Games and Kick-Ass. This suggests that the audince will expect certain genres and creativity based on what they have seem this company produce previously. The first thing we as the audience see is a moving image of a gun suggesting that this film will include violance. The name of this film is written in red and in bold blocks suggesting that this film is going to be masculine. The main characters are introduces to the audience in this title sequence with the actors names. The soundtrack in this title sequence is very dominant suggesting once again that this film is very masculine. There is also moving images of trucks and an urban city suggesting that this film will be violant including crime and male domination.

Skyfall: As for Skyfall the title sequenc is much different to Snitch because it is much more longer then average films. This title sequence uses establishing shots which means that the location and time period is obvious in the title sequence, as well as showing some of the distruptions that will occur in the film. The soundtrack plays a sugnificant role in the title sequence because it is performed by an international singer called Adele. By choosing a well known song, this not only gives recognision to the singer but whenever someone hears this song 'Skyfall' they will not only think about the singer but they will also think about the film itself.

task 5-research

A film opening can attract an audience throughestablishing shots at the start of any film. Establishing shots set the scene of the film, representing the time period, setting and location of the film. An establishing shot also shows the distruption of a film. Introducing this type of shot right at the start of any film captures the audiences attention straight away because introducing abit of action at the start of the film will capture the audiences attention.

blog task 3-research

I decided to pick Kezia's group to analyse because theyre title sequence was very interesting and captured my attention throughout the whole sequence. The title sequence was very creative in the way the group used different lighting to create different effects.

pitch evaluation

I think that the pitch overall was a success because as a group we had the audiences attention throughout our pitch, and in the end we ended up with a high score out of ten. Our feedback was fairly positive because the audience said that they liked the fact that our mise-en-scene was very detailed, as well as the fact that we had screenshots of maps showing our journey to and from the location we filmed at. One of our downfalls was the fact that we didnt fully complete the end of our storyboard, which resulted to the audience getting abit confused. We could have made the presentation easier and more interesting if we used a range of different presentation softwares like emaze. However, overall i think that the pitch was a success because the audience seemed interested in our story of our title sequence as well as the genre that we picked.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

How to Make Fake Blood

In our title sequence we will be using fake blood.Because of this we went on youtube and found a video telling us how to make it.However when attempting it the 'blood' didn't turn out like the one in the video and so we decided to buy some online.

analysis of sound

<iframe id="iframe_container" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" width="550" height="400" src=";lock_to_path=0&amp;autoplay=0&amp;autohide_ctrls=0&amp;landing_data=bHVZZmNaNDBIWnNjdEVENDRhZDFNZGNIUE43MHdLNWpsdFJLb2ZHanI0M3JCWDlXMHVrQkcwQXU2M1NldlpMc0pBPT0&amp;landing_sign=cFgfSVTiTP8vZSlh5uyvIPPkiHryVB-dB-D7CMjlmjU"></iframe>

Pitch evaluation

Overall the pitch was good as people had given us high scores out of ten.When asked what we did well people were saying the Mise-en-scene(the location and setting) was very detailed as we had screenshots of maps which told us how long the journey would take from school and pictures of the actual location.However we hadn't completely finished the storyboard so it was unclear to people what the plot was and the layout of the entire pitch could have been easier to navigate if we used different websites like emaze.To conclude the pitch was a success as everyone seemed to like the choice of genre and what the film is about.


Pitch Feedback

What was good about the pitch/ideas presented

-The plot is well though out and goes well with the thriller genre
- aware of the risks and the solutions
- Very detailed
- Very interesting
- Nice consideration of psychological story
-Relevant examples used for inspiration
- Got permission for use of inspiration
-Location and props planned nicely
- Clear inspiration researched into and used
- Well thought out plan
- Compelling icon/logo
- Title of film relates well to plot
-Audience profile is detailed
- Good individual research

What would have made the pitch even better?

-Develop sound design
- A rough Soundtrack/ Soundscape
- could put match cuts in storyboard
-Finish the storyboard
-Identify genre clearer
-use different websites to present
-Be clear when wanting to add fantasy elements

Two questions to ask the group at the end of the pitch:

- How much are you going to be using a match cut to turn the water into blood?
-What is your genre?
-What font will you be using?

evidence on day 2 of filming

Second day of filming


when shooting outside moorfields eye hospital we had no issues as we asked permission to film and they said yes plus we took many shots from different angles and try some pano shots.Although the weather was cold we were prepared by bringing gloves and warm coats so that we could get as many shots as we could.However there were some cars passing down the street and one card moved from a parking spot which is bad as that would make us have some continuity issues but once the street was clear we re-shoot any scenes where cars were moving to much or if the shots weren't in focus.

first day of filming bloopers

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

2. What type of title sequence is it ? (Souhila )

For our film we are going to have a stylised/discrete title sequence as there will be writing on moving images and on a black screen.two film title sequences that have inspired our title are black swan and the seven as they create suspense and make the audience want to know more as they don't give to much away about what the film about . We also looked at the title sequence from beautiful creatures as it' has more of a fantasy vibe to it.For our title sequence we are not going to conform because it's not just a thriller like the seven but it has a fantasy aspect to it to then make it a sub-genre and so it will be unique.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

task 9: blog task 30: sound design (souhila)

We will be using non-diegetic and diegetic sound for our title sequnce. The non-diegetic sound will consist of soundtracks that will help to set the mood within the sequence e.g. we will be using a soundtrack called 'Dark Magic', which comes from the film 'Beautiful Creatures' (our film idea inspiration). This soundtrack will set a negative, mysterious and haunting tone to the scene, which will have an effect on the audience, as this soundtrack will draw their attention and want them to  keep watching our title sequence.

11.Cinematic Details -Full storyboard

The pitch

1.The Film(jayah)

Film Title


  • Our film is called trauma, this is very appropriate as our film focuses on a traumatic event and how exactly this teenager deals with it throughout the film
  • In the opening title sequence it will begin with the audience immediately knowing the setting we are in which is a hospital as the camera pans the hospital it then cuts into a specific hospital room where we see a girl laying in a straight white bed.  as she begins to wake up she starts to then see things which are not there, for example she picks up a butter knife but ends up seeing a bloody kitchen knife, instead of seeing a clear glass of water she sees a overflowing glass of blood.
  • Our title sequence will really be made effective by the editing produced after the film, to make the sudden camera cuts effective we will add flashes as shown in the title sequence in seven. 

13.Risk Assessment(jayah) (task 40)

Some Risks To Identify

  • When at the canal we need to make sure that we stand as far away from the waters edge as possible as we don't want any equipment getting damaged however we also need to make sure are shots look as focused as possible so my solution for this is that at least 2 people should help with the filming even if we have to ask for extra support as our group only consists of 3 people
  • location wise we still have yet to find a specific location for our hospital scene so that alone is a major risk but if we don't find a location we could always set up a hospital setting in our collage common room

  • another risk is that we could be filming in the rain as it is the middle of November so to prevent this we would have to check weather before hand so we know what types of conditions we will be in to so we can prepare.if we go out with the equipment and it does happen to rain and we only get half of the intended filming done we will have to endure that the day we do decide to finish off that the weather is relatively the same,this is important because we do want our footage to add up once it comes to editing

  • another risk we will have to consider about the canals is the caution we take towards other people using these canals and how we may disrupt them so we will be sure to be polite and even consider changing the actual stretch of canal we use to film as there have also been insolents of violence at the stretch we intend to use
  • a final risk we have to consider is the use of knifes and the fact that we have to safe while using them , this will be done by using the kitchen knife in controlled settings such as the college and not walking around with them unless made necessary 

12.Production schedule - Nicole (task 38)

6.Audience detail (jayah)

Looking at all of the information we have concluded that our target audience is men and women aged 25-39 who are from London and the south coast and have professions in the entertainment industry  who are left wing and save about £1000 or more monthly

Monday, 21 November 2016


Characters we will introduce:
our title sequence will only star 2 people
on of the characters presented is a young girl who spends the majority of the title sequence in a hospital bed, this is the main character who suffers from trauma and so slowly seems to be loosing hr mind

The second character presented is not actually there but a figure of  the main characters imagination and only really appears in times of stress and in a flash, this is the main character trying to conger up a images of who her killer actually was.

There is only one social group presented in this film which is teenagers and the fact that our voices are not heard, the main character experiences this as she tries to express how she is feeling to her guidance concealer and doctors but is always dismissed as she is too young or to stupid to understand what is actually going on . she faces prejudice and at times ageism and sexism which can be very easy for our audience to relate to

Monday, 14 November 2016

10.Title Credits(Souhila)-task 36

For the title sequence, our group decided to use a similar font to the one in the film, 'Beautiful Creatures'. we decided to use this type of font because it represents our genre very well, which is a hybrid genre of thriller and fantasy. The intergration of the action will move at a steady paste to keep up with the soundtrack and the movement of the wording in the frame.

What we would like are title credits to look like are similar to the font used in the Seven title sequences but in white behind both black and moving images.We were also thinking of adding a fantasy aspect to it and making it like the font used in the film Beautiful Creatures as it is more angelic and earthy than the Sevens.
So to conclude, as a group we have decided to use slow movement for the title sequence, and a similar font to the one used in the film 'Beautiful Creatures', as it connects and represents the genre of our film very well.

8.Mise-en-Scene-props,makeup (task 37)-Nicole

When creating are title sequence we are going to use a chair /bed for are  main character to sit on and see moving.We are also going to see both a butter knife and a chef Knife with fake blood on it so see the traumatic effects almost being murdered has on her.We may also use a plate of food or a glass /drink turning into fake blood or another disgusting substance.The costume we see the main character  wearing is a pair of pyjamas and we see the killer wearing all black.We are also going to use a glass bottle of some kind to try and kill her.The killer is suppose to have scary eyes and so Souhila is going to wear coloured contacts and Jayah is going to have makeup to create the illusion of a bruised face from falling on the ground.

7.Mise-en-scene-Location & Setting(task 37)-Nicole

To create are Title sequence we are going to try and find a hospital or Gp setting and if not a medical room in a local school as are main character is suppose to be in a comma and then wake up on a bed.We will first shoot the outside of hospital and the hospital we chose to shot at is Richard desmond children's eye centre at moorfields eye hospital.

As we can't film in an actual hospital we are going to film in the library at our school  as it has a hospital bed in the back.

When we see are main character having a flashback to when she was almost killed we see her at a canal .the canal we chose to film at Limehouse cut canal which is about 40 minutes from school.

Delegation of pitch tasks

Task 1,4 and 6 will be completed by jayah ,Task 2,9 and 10 will be completed by Souhila and Task 3,7,8 and 12 will be completed by Nicole.The rest (task 5 and 11) will be completed as a group

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

target audience tastes and prefrences

3.What genre of film is it?(task 31)-Nicole

What genre of film is it?
In my group we decide to do a Thriller but are going to make it a sub-genre and add some fantasy or drama 
aspect  to it to make it more interesting and unique.We chose a thriller as it is all our favorite genre type and seems the most relevant to our age group to go see.One Title sequence that has inspired us has been the seven because of the way the shots are  jump and how one minute we see someting and the next minute its gone and yet everything comes together smoothly and so we are going to try and aim for a similar fantasy like type of sequence where the shots are moving every but in a less sinister way.Another sequence that has inspired us is Gone Girl even though it is completely different form the seven title sequence the background music makes the sequences look more like a thriller and it sets a tone for the whole film which we would like to do for ours.Also 
 in the Gone girl title sequence they use both black and moving images as background for the credits which makes it intresting and makes the audience want to continue watching because it isn't giving to much away which creates mystery and thats what we are trying to protrey. 

Title sequence inspiration

task 34

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

initial individual & group ideas

In my group we decide to do a Thriller and so  i am going to make the title sequence be a sub-genre and add some fantasy or drama aspect  to it to make it more interesting and unique.I came up with three ideas which i will develop later on and hopefully make it the title sequence we choose at the end.Idea number 1 is that the film will be about someone in the CIA whose family was killed in an mysterious 'accident' which was found out later be on purpose and we see in the title sequence them trying to figure out who and why the killer did it.My secound idea is that Two sisters get arrested for a crime they didn't commit and have to look back at thier memories to figure out who framed them and in the title sequence we see them in a room and on a board we see pictures of suspects and the two sisters solving the case. My final idea is that someone was almost killed and ended up in a coma and someone has to look in their mind to see who and in the title sequence we see a look into there  mind  and them at the end opening up their eyes.