Sunday, 25 December 2016

Task 15: Genre conventions-research

Genre conventions are elements in which the audience expect to see and/or hear. For example a romance film would contain conventions such as a happily in love couple, with some sort of obsticale to over come, which maybe a jealous sister or another lover involved. Or in magazines a such as Mens Health, it is their convention as a health and fitness magazine to put on the front cover a well-known good looking, healthy and fit man.

I have chosen to look at the film opening for the 2011 Red Riding Hood because the genre is fantasy which i enjoy to watch because it allows the audience to experience a world which is not realistic, and allows the audience to escape their own reality (-Blumner & Katz theory). In this particular film there are obvious fantasy genre conventions, such as the iscolated village, hidden amongst mountains, forests and snow.

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