Saturday, 24 December 2016

Task 7: analyse two film title sequences-research

The two title sequences i will be analysing is Skyfall and Snitch.


Snitch: Snitch's title sequence begins with the classic institutions being Summit Entertainment and A Lionsgate Company. when the audience see these recognisable institutions they can guess what type of film they are about to what. For example A Lionsgate Company are known for producing films such as The Hunger Games and Kick-Ass. This suggests that the audince will expect certain genres and creativity based on what they have seem this company produce previously. The first thing we as the audience see is a moving image of a gun suggesting that this film will include violance. The name of this film is written in red and in bold blocks suggesting that this film is going to be masculine. The main characters are introduces to the audience in this title sequence with the actors names. The soundtrack in this title sequence is very dominant suggesting once again that this film is very masculine. There is also moving images of trucks and an urban city suggesting that this film will be violant including crime and male domination.

Skyfall: As for Skyfall the title sequenc is much different to Snitch because it is much more longer then average films. This title sequence uses establishing shots which means that the location and time period is obvious in the title sequence, as well as showing some of the distruptions that will occur in the film. The soundtrack plays a sugnificant role in the title sequence because it is performed by an international singer called Adele. By choosing a well known song, this not only gives recognision to the singer but whenever someone hears this song 'Skyfall' they will not only think about the singer but they will also think about the film itself.

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