Monday, 14 November 2016

10.Title Credits(Souhila)-task 36

For the title sequence, our group decided to use a similar font to the one in the film, 'Beautiful Creatures'. we decided to use this type of font because it represents our genre very well, which is a hybrid genre of thriller and fantasy. The intergration of the action will move at a steady paste to keep up with the soundtrack and the movement of the wording in the frame.

What we would like are title credits to look like are similar to the font used in the Seven title sequences but in white behind both black and moving images.We were also thinking of adding a fantasy aspect to it and making it like the font used in the film Beautiful Creatures as it is more angelic and earthy than the Sevens.
So to conclude, as a group we have decided to use slow movement for the title sequence, and a similar font to the one used in the film 'Beautiful Creatures', as it connects and represents the genre of our film very well.

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